I’m Singing My Song

Source of Inspiration


When the bird sings
does he care who hears?
Does he change his song
because someone does not like
what he sings?

Let my voice ring
across the valley;
my heart is filled
with joy.
He who can not hear
or see my beauty
must remain in
his own gloom
while sunshine
fills my heart
with love.

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Rune Stone Reading for 22/04/2015

Algiz is the Rune for today.

KEY THEMES – protection, higher self, shelter, safety

MESSAGE – Algiz is the Rune of Protection. Algiz will protect us when we call upon it’s strength. We are advised to follow without question our instincts and if we do, any potential hidden surprises will be seen enabling us to defend ourselves and continue on course. Do you have an adventure which awaits but the risks are holding you back? Algiz gives the thumbs up but warns to stay aware and conscientious treading with caution. If we pay attention and connect our mind to heart we will surely be safe. Invite Algiz into your energy and aura today and feel the magic at our aid.


Earth, Nature & Elemental Energy Messages from 22/04/2015 ~ Ongoing

What a beautiful array of different positive and strong Energies coursing through our auras and all around us! We are being bathed in today! I asked Earth what message would you have us all hear from you today?

The answer is clear – Enjoy EVERYTHING that you do today! Celebrate your life in all ways and find all the joy and comfort that you need in knowing you are living and breathing and walking upon the Earth! Even if you are amongst chaos right now, you are alive! And if you are here and alive you have all the chances you may need to change not just your environment, but anything about yourselves, because you have breath and you have life and you have solid Earth which supports all that you are, can do and know! …….. How lovely!!!!!

Celebrate the ground which you walk upon, because without it your nice shoes would be pointless, they wouldn’t even exist without the Earth. Celebrate and truly recognise that without Earth, you would have non of the material comforts you have. You would have no physical body, your friends and family and your precious animal friends, all would not be here, not in this existence you are having that is known as life right now. For life is far greater than can be comprehended, but that doesn’t mean this life and all that you have and all that made it possible is any less significant and exquisite. It is quite the opposite indeed! Everything you see, touch, taste, smell, breath in the physical is supplied and Birthed from the huge round rock beneath our feet and all within Nature. We are truly one.

As I was tuning in and receiving messages to write in this post, a dear friend enlightened me that today is EARTH DAY. Now it all makes sense 🙂 There is every reason today to celebrate and acknowledge all that we have, all that we are and all that is. We have immense Energies swirling all around us today and all are infused with positive motion. Extra energy to accomplish great things. An extra loving supporting push along any line of positive action you choose to take today. Even if that action is to rest and rejuvenate because it is much needed. Even if it means taking steps to gain control over a situation which you are currently being controlled in. If it is for the greater good, then we have the love, power and support and courage that we need. And as always we just need to ask and open up a and receive it in whatever ways we can. Breath it in, draw it up through your feet, open up and let it pour into your chakras, absorb it through your skin.

The words CELEBRATION, RESTORATION, HONOUR, LOVE, RESPECT are being beamed out in a song from Earth, Nature and the Elementals to us and all on this day. Give something back today. Anything. Your sincere gratitude is more than enough. Feel the love when you connect to Earth today. It is so strong!
