Goodbye for now. Last ever distant healing @ Source Of Healing.

A final passage to mark the end of my blog. Well, I can’t really say it’s been a busy blog on my part. The goal and ambition was great at the beginning. And it still is! But I need to do things differently now. I am finding a new way. What that will look like I do not know yet. Exciting!

This blog was an extension of my Facebook page Source Of Healing where I began in 2012 offering free distant healing every other week. This page was an extension into my creativity where I could express and create differently than what Facebook allowed.

For the past 18 months I have taken myself by the horns to reorder my entire life and on many levels. If timing goes to plan I will be launching my first ever proper business by the end of this Summer 2016. It’s been over 10 years in the making. A Hair Salon, fusing together Energy Healing, Nature and Wellbeing. All my passions and skills will be coming together into something more Whole and New. A way to do things better than ever. So my choice in ending this page and others I have formed over the years is a way of letting go, releasing all of what was and streamlining my focus into the next big chapter of my life. A reset in some ways. I am taking everything I have ever learned to build a fuller me and a new and improved life with it. Of course, I will still be me. I am learning who I am more and more each day. New beginnings are running through my veins with a desire to do things even better than I ever have in all the things that I love to do.

My biggest goodbye is to the Healing Bowl at Source Of Healing. And Source Of Healing. I’ll be doing one last Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl session before I bring it all to an end. That session will be taking place Wednesday the 8th of June 2016 at 10pm GMT.

A full description on the Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl with what they are all about can be found when you click on either of the links below. This is where you requests for healing can be placed and prayers can be amplified by placing them into the comments section.

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The 2nd Healing Bowl session is here! 😃

Following on from the first of two distant healing sessions this week from the Healing Bowl at Source Of Healing is today’s blessing! The energy of this week has been one of constant change and fluctuations. It’s been building up and up for an almighty much needed overhaul on mass. It’s been a roller coaster in experience, of inner events all coming up and out for careful analysis to then release as many outdated beliefs and behaviours on all levels as thoroughly as possible. This has inevitably been mirrored in the external environment around us and across planet Earth. How each of us felt this week was determined by whether we put up a resistance fight or allowed ourselves to flow with it. Maybe we did a bit of both. Our emotional body was certainly worked on this week and our mental body closely followed. All of us being in essence, cleansed and purified and prepped for a much clearer energy field to literally live in and operated from.

Which, brings me on to today’s Healing Bowl session! Today I’ll be bringing in a powerful Reiki symbol I was taught during my training as a Reiki Master Teacher. It is called a Grace Healing using a technique called ‘The Bridge of Souls’. This is one of my favourite Reiki techniques I use. Although not often I must add. It is powerful and highly cleansing and invigorating. This technique washes away all energetic ties  and connections, energy debris and unblocks stuck energy throughout every layer of our Being. It assists in, and often is enough to get us off the repetitive cycle of undesired habitual living we often find ourselves doing over and over and over again and yet so desperately want to move on from. This can be on any level. Physical, mental and emotional. It aligns us to our Higher Self, our Soul and aligns us to the Divine bringing about a freshly restored harmonious balance.

I share with you;

The Invocation of Grace

‘Let all beings, throughout all time, throughout all space, throughout all dimensions, and all planes of existence and non existence, be forever liberated from all suffering, and fully experience the eternal joy of supreme liberation, now fully manifest!’

Please wholeheartedly use this invocation for yourself in your own spiritual practice and meditations.

This distant healing will be taking place today, 10pm GMT. (22.05.2016)

A full description on the Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl with what they are all about can be found when you click on either of the links below. This is where you requests for healing can be placed and prayers can be amplified by placing them into the comments section.

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The first of two healing bowl sessions for this week from Source Of Healing

Usually when I do a double distant healing session in one week, I usually create one post for the two dates. This week I feel both posts should be seperate. The energy is going to feel very different towards the end of this week compared to now and so the two distant healing sessions will both bring forth very different healing energy. This healing session will be infused with Angelic healing and will strengthen the bond and our connection to our own Guardian Angels. This really makes sense to me now as we are moving quite rapidly within our own inner psyche and learning a great deal about ourselves and reality. It is going to help if we can stay centred as much as possible and connect to Spirit. The Angels and our Guardian Angels want us to know that they can really help us in all the right ways, smoothing life out by supporting us to support ourselves and each other. So now is the time (if you don’t already do so) to give them your acknowledgement and ask for some genuine help from the Angels. What more could we ask for? We have Angels waiting to help us!

The first of two Healing Bowl sessions will take place on Wednesday 18th of May 2016 at 10pm GMT.

Everyone who’s name is in the healing bowl will feel this wave of healing when it is sent on some level from this first healing of the week. Enjoy 😄😇

A full description on the Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl with what they are all about can be found when you click on either of the links below. This is where you requests for healing and prayers can be amplified by placing them into the comments section.

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Enjoy two sessions of heart healing and energy alignment this week from the Healing Bowl

This month is proving to be the most energetically powerful I have ever known! Is anyone else feeling this? The energies which are coming through now are supporting us to light up more than ever before. The word I repeatedly keep getting is unforgiving! It means that whatever choices we make right now will set the stage for things to come. This is true at any point in our lives, but right now we have a major opportunity to shift into alignment with the lives we really wish to create for ourselves and anchor that in more fully than ever before. We are being shown many paths which are available to walk down right now. I believe that we have the power to change our lives for the better at any point, but there is something different happening right now. As if the choices we make now will have a far bigger impact on ourselves and the rest of the world much more than usual. Do we continue as we are or do we take that leap forward and throw ourselves into the version of life that we deep down so intensely know is right for us? And where as before we may have been able to do a bit of both, now this is not an option for many! We must make clear decisive decisions about who we are and what we want. This is what is meant by the energies of May 2016 being unforgiving. Any in-between living simply won’t work or feel good to us anymore. We are being given a loving kick up the bum by our Soul which is reflected in the energies and external environment around us. Even better, we have huge gatherings of Angels and Light Beings along with our very own Guides in spirit and on Earth real close to us now all cheering us on ready to assist us in making even the seemingly impossible possible! Our heart centres are expanding bigger than ever before and our heart wants to be heard instead of us just using our old style of brain living. BE brave, BE bold and make the choices that YOU KNOW will bring real happiness to you and all those you are intimately connected to. The Universe and all of life is waiting to give you all the help you need! We MUST get acquainted with the inner wisdom we each have and take as much time as we need to learn how to hear it, to feel it and understand it. Then we can fully trust it and live it.

So the two Healing Bowl sessions this week will focus on clearing out our energy systems and auras individually while bringing our heart and mind into alignment. This of course will ripple out and affect the greater energy fields we are undoubtedly connected to at all times and are forever a part of while in physical living.

The first wave of healing will be sent out this evening at 10pm GMT  (06.05.2016).

And the second will be sent out on Sunday the 8th of May 2016 at 10pm GMT.

A full description on the Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl with what they are all about can be found when you click on either of the links below. This is where you requests for healing and prayers can be amplified by placing them into the comments section.

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2 Healing Bowl Sessions this week @ Source Of Healing

There will be two separate distant healing sessions sent out freely this week. The first of these sessions is taking place this evening on Friday the 22nd of April 2016 at 10pm GMT. This session I will be focusing on our connection to Earth. Making sure our connection is strong and stable so that we are receiving a steady and sure flow of light and healing from Earth as we should be at all times. This will ground us fully in the here and now and open our chakras up in a balanced way while feeling the constant flow of connected energy between us, nature, all of Life and Earth. Mother Earth will be receiving this healing as well.

The second session will take place on Sunday the 24th of April 2016 at 10pm GMT. During this session I am going to be bringing light in from the Stars to strengthen our connection to them and the Universe around us. The light from the Stars in our Universe is as helpful to us as any other source of healing light when brought in for healing. We ARE much a part of the Stars as we are anything else.

A full description on the Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl with what they are all about can be found when you click on either of the links below. This is where you requests for healing and prayers can be amplified by placing them into the comments section.

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