Expansive! Reality CHECK :-)

Get out of you Head

To leave the busyness of the mind and leave our tiny perspectives in which are often pointless and leave us confused, stressed and tired in energy.

Simply watch this video……….

 Which path will you now take? The tedious one, or the path of more joy?


Your Emotions and How To Use Them On Your Life’s Journey

Endless Light and Love


Ram Dass

How can we use our emotions positively on our spiritual path?  We can look at the practice of what is called devotional yoga, or Bhakti Yoga as it’s called in Hinduism. For example, if your relationship is to say Christ- you could take a picture of Jesus and then think about the qualities of his life; and the qualities of his compassion; and the qualities of his beauty of being; and the qualities of his reminding people about God. And you could look at that being and it would generate in you, if you allow it, emotional responses.

These emotional responses are relational. They are warm, human responses of Love, of caring, of tenderness. Then if you stay with that picture of Jesus and keep being with Jesus, you will go beyond those into a deeper way of being with him. Of just being with him in the…

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