The first of two healing bowl sessions for this week from Source Of Healing

Usually when I do a double distant healing session in one week, I usually create one post for the two dates. This week I feel both posts should be seperate. The energy is going to feel very different towards the end of this week compared to now and so the two distant healing sessions will both bring forth very different healing energy. This healing session will be infused with Angelic healing and will strengthen the bond and our connection to our own Guardian Angels. This really makes sense to me now as we are moving quite rapidly within our own inner psyche and learning a great deal about ourselves and reality. It is going to help if we can stay centred as much as possible and connect to Spirit. The Angels and our Guardian Angels want us to know that they can really help us in all the right ways, smoothing life out by supporting us to support ourselves and each other. So now is the time (if you don’t already do so) to give them your acknowledgement and ask for some genuine help from the Angels. What more could we ask for? We have Angels waiting to help us!

The first of two Healing Bowl sessions will take place on Wednesday 18th of May 2016 at 10pm GMT.

Everyone who’s name is in the healing bowl will feel this wave of healing when it is sent on some level from this first healing of the week. Enjoy πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡

A full description on the Healing Bowl and Prayer Bowl with what they are all about can be found when you click on either of the links below. This is where you requests for healing and prayers can be amplified by placing them into the comments section.

Healing Bowl

Prayer Bowl

Please make use of these and add yourself and all the names of as many people that you know who could do with a little extra help in life. Animals are more than welcome! Please share so more people can have a choice to receive a dose of healing energies all for free πŸ™‚

Blessings of Love and Wellness to ALL πŸ˜‡


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